
constructionflash.gif (6262 bytes)

is an ongoing project
conducted by students in the

Biology Department


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Each student investigates one of the animal species housed at the Fort Worth Zoo and prepares a summary of information about the species as well as a history of specific animals to be found at the zoo. Each summary is accompanied by photographs of the animal. When available these photographs are those of the animal at the zoo. In rare cases where the structure of the exhibit would obscure the image of the animal, off-site photos may be used.

Some students also read and summarize research articles about animals. Their summaries will be posted on this site.

Like other modern zoos, the Fort Worth Zoo, besides being a fascinating place to visit, serves important educational, research and conservation functions. Wesleyan students benefit greatly from the rich learning opportunities that our proximity to the zoo makes possible; however there is no affiliation between this web site or Texas Wesleyan University and the zoo.

We will make every effort to present information here that is both accurate and current. If you spot errors, please call them to our attention.

Email{short description of image} to: mac@whozoo.org
MAC's Class Page at Texas Wesleyan University

{short description of image}The
{short description of image}Animal

{short description of image}Research

{short description of image}Student

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