Suggestions for New Informational Pages Below are the names of some animals at the Fort Worth Zoo for which web pages have not yet been constructed. There are photos of most of these in the WhoZoo image archive. However there are many other animals at the zoo that are not on this list. *** before an animal's name means that a current Wesleyan student has selected this animal, but the page is still under construction.Mammals
(***before an animal's name means that a current student has selected this animal)
- Opossum
*** before an animal's name means that a current student has selected this animal
- Ostrich
- Sarus Crane
- Screech Owl
- Crested Caracara
- Black-Legged Stilt
- Black-Crowned Night Heron
- Cattle Egret
- Green Jay
- Sulawesi Quail Dove
- Scale Quail
- Chachalaca
- Wrinkled Hornbill
- Red Breasted Goose
- Tufted Duck
Reptiles and Amphibians
*** before an animal's name means that a current student has selected this animal
- Rio Grande Cooter
- Impressed Tortoise
- Atitlan Alligator Lizard
- Oaxacan Rock Lizard
- New Caledonian Giant Gecko
- Rough-necked Monitor
- Dumeril's Monitor
- Green Tree Monitor
- Black Tree Monitor
- Moluccan Yellow Monitor
- Usambara Mountain Bush Viper
- Boelen's Python
- Annulated Boa
- Dumeril's Ground Boa
- Honduran Milk Snake
- Greer's King Snake
- Vietnamese Leafnosed Snake (PICK ME!)
- Indigo Snake
- Black Pine Snake
- Trans-Pecos Rat Snake
- Western Massasauga
- Ornate Cantil
- Aruba Island Rattlesnake
- Mexican Lanceheaded Snake
- Two-lined Pit Viper
- Honduras Palm Pit Viper
- McGregor's Pit Viper
- Bushmaster
- Vietnamese Moss Frog
Fish (Note: although the Fort Worth Zoo Aquarium was closed in 2001, the recently opened Great Barrier Reef exhibit in the Australian Outback section of the zoo brings a variety of fish and invertebrates back for observation! Below are some suggested species for WhoZoo pages:
*** before an animal's name means that a current student has selected this animal.)
- Black-tipped reef shark
- Wobegong shark
- Any of the wrasses
- Butterfly fish -- any species displayed
Invertebrates (Note: with the closing of Insect City in the Aquarium, many invertebrates are no longer on exhibit. Many arthropods are now on exhibit in the Moutains and Deserts section of Texas Wild. and will focus on arthropods native to Texas. Several invertebrates have also been added in the new Great Barrier Reef exhibit.
*** before an animal's name means that a current student has selected this animal
- Blue Crab
- Pill Bugs
- Dung Beetle (PICK ME!)
- Dermestid Beetle
- Striped Scorpion
- Brown Recluse Spider
- Scarlet Striped Cleaner Shrimp (GBR)
- Red Sea Star (GBR)
(Updated May 2005)