Name of the Animal

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Scientific Name: Tiliqua rugosus
Geographical Range: Southern Australia
Habitat: Desert grasslands and dunes
Diet in the Wild:Omnivorous, including insects, other arthropods, snails, fruits and flowers.
Conservation Status: Not protected.
Location in the Zoo: Herpetarium

Physical Description:
Physical dimensions, color and pattern, differences between sexes or juvenile/adult differences.

Social Organization::
Solitary, Family Groups, Communities?

Special Adaptations:
Any physical or behavioral features of the animal that contribute to its survival in its natural habitat.

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Reproductive Behavior:
Courtship and mating behavior, reproductive style (egg-layer? live-bearer?), parental care.

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Mammals at the Fort Worth Zoo
Birds at the Fort Worth Zoo
Reptiles and Amphibians at the Fort Worth Zoo
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Invertebrates at the Fort Worth Zoo