Kelli Quinn

Animal Life-10:00 MWF


Smith, Greg. "The Elephants of Addo." 1981.


Addo is 70 km north of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. In the Addo National Park there is a herd of 110 elephants. In 1919, there were only 16 of them, due to the need and want for white gold and ivory. The Addo elephants are "distinguished by their relative tulsklessness." This is a result of selective shooting or a genetic trait. Addo's elephants short tusks may be a result of the early selective shooting.

In the early 1900"s, the area of Addo was harsh for the elephants. As well, the settlers were discouraged from living in Addo because of its natural barriers. Therefore, animals escaped to Addo to avoid being slaughtered. Eventually, due to progress, Addo was populated by humans, resulting in a threat to the elephants,

In 1919, P.J. Pretorious shot more than 100 elephants on Addo. He was commissioned to rid the area of the "elephant menace." By 1931, the elephant population was 11. In 1954, a fence was put up to protect the elephants. As a result of the fence, the herd grew to 18. As of 1981, the population was 110.

Last year, 1997, the elephant population in Addo was around 170. The herd is now to large for the park, therefor the park is going to be extended to meet the growing herd. However, the concern is the herd

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may get too large. The herd is hoped to reach 250. Long term, as many as 500 may be necessary for "genetic diversity." The current elephants are descendants of the 11 that were left in 1931.

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