The black-necked swan is a member of the Anatidae family from the Order Anseriformes. The specimens in the Order Anseriformes all have a reduced aftershaft, a feathered oil gland, and their offspring are covered in down when they hatching. There are 43 specimens in the Anatidae family. The waterfowl in the Anatidae family are ducks, geese, and swans. They typically have an elevated hind toe in their webbed feet, a thin coat of feathers, and pointed wings. The black-necked swan's scientific name is Cygnus melanocoryphus.
Personal Observations:
The black-necked swans are beautiful waterfowl.
Their unusual coloring makes them distinctive yet their black necks
would allow them to camouflage in the wild. I enjoyed watching
their docile behavior. They swam with the other swans. On the
third day of observation it was a humid and hot day. The swans
seemed to look for shade although the area in which the were living
was not very shady. |
Page author: Marla Montgomery
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Source list:
Fisher, James World of Birds. Yugoslavia: Crescent books,
1973. |